Pete Carr Pro Rodeo’s Animal Athletes are Born to Buck

Pete Carr did not become a leading stock contractor without learning and improving his program as he came along. The Born to Buck program is just one of the ways that they insure that the best bucking stock will be up and coming animals that will thrive both inside and outside of the arena.

It is normal to see a bucking horse on the road for 20 years and that is a tribute to the care that bucking horses and bulls recieve.

“We’ve got plenty of them at the ranch that are going to the NFR or have been to the NFR 10-15 times. That’s incredible to have an animal that takes that kind of travel. Really traveling is the hardest part on them, the hauling them in the trailer, the bucking is not. They’re bred to buck, they love to buck, just like a racehorse wanting to run. That’s what they love to do,” Carr said.

Carr’s first World Champion bucking horse was Real Deal, a big bay who won the title in 2005. Carr bought him as a four-year old just the year before. River Boat Annie is a staple mare from Carr’s program.

“She was kind of my star. That horse bucked as good as you’d want a horse to buck in every arena we took her to. She’s thrown great colts... pretty much most of them have gone to the NFR. She’s a star in her own rights,” Carr said about the roan mare.

Carr has since had multiple World Champion animals in his program and has doubled down in making sure that his program is top-notch.