Marketplace at Ardmore Hosting Performance Horse Auction on May 13

If you appreciate good horses and have any free time on May 13, we invite you to shop online at the Marketplace at Ardmore Performance Horse Auction.

The upcoming sale, managed by Susie Reed, marks No. 17 since transitioning from in-person horse auctions to exclusively online. In 2020, when COVID-19 shutdown many on-site livestock auctions, Reed parlayed her 40 years of experience producing live auctions into a more efficient and cost-effective way to market horses by selling consignments online.

These sales are successful because buyers know exactly what to expect – a limited number of rigorously screened performance horse consignments with the focus on cutting breeding.

On Saturday, May 13, they will offer 35 head, including six sired by Metallic Cat, plus a good selection of seasoned show horses, prospects, 2YOs, solid broodmares, yearlings and weanlings. The four-hour Flash Sale will be fast-paced and fun.