JJ Hampton, Marty Yates and Kincade Henry Talk Traveling the Rodeo Road

Being a professional cowboy or cowgirl means one thing for sure, you will put the miles on. It can be a tough road but having family on the road with you can help.

World Champion JJ Hampton is of the mindset that is she is on the road, she is entered.

“Probably, Marty got tired of me following him around because that was the only family I had out there and I got lonely, I missed them. It’s a tough road and I don’t know how these boys do it… It’s rough out there. I love to rodeo but man is it hard,” Hampton said.

Yates says that having Hampton going down the road can help him too. They help keep a positive mindset and keep each other going.

Henry might be early in his career and he has already had a taste of the trials and tribulations that can come your way on the rodeo road. Thanks to good friends and family, he always gets to where he is going.