Pete Carr Goes from Dallas Suburbs to Rodeo Legend

Pete Carr is going to go down in history as a stock contractor but he the rodeo world is not the world he grew up in.

Carr was born in Pennsylvania and that is where he lived his first few years until his family moved to the suburbs of Dallas. His mother was a single mom who worked three jobs, a testament to Carr’s work ethic and unstoppable attitude.

“[I] grew up in town, you know, probably when I was younger I got a little covered wagon, like a little radio flyer wagon. That’s probably the closest I was to a cowboy,” Carr said.

It was a neighbor from down the street that got Carr involved in rodeo when he was in high school and bareback riding was his introduction into the western way of life. After traveling with his neighbor and going to a couple schools, he started riding bareback horses.

When asked why bareback riding, Carr knew the answer.

“You know, probably because I was too scared of bulls and [the neighbor] was a bareback rider so I couldn’t afford a saddle and I think he probably gave me one of his bareback riggings,” he said.

Now, Carr has a successful line of bucking horses and he continues to grow and expand his herd to bring the best broncs to the next rodeo.