Mason Clements Bursts Bareback Riding Bubble, Clinches fourth NFR with Governor’s Cup Win

Mason Clements came into the Cinch Playoffs Governor’s Cup barely inside the Top 20 and riding the bubble. Four horses later, he is now the No. 12 ranked bareback rider in the World and going into his fourth National Finals Rodeo.

“I’m speechless. It’s been a long battle to get back. I’ll see you soon Vegas, I’ll see you soon,” he said.

The Utah cowboy matched up with the stout, paint stallion of Powder River Rodeo, Two Buck Chuck, in the Final Four in Sioux Falls. He rodeo for 87.5 points to win it all and that includes the $25,000 prize that pushed him into the Top 15.

Clements entered the Four-Man Round needing to win either first or second in order to qualify for the NFR.