Dr. Tandy Freeman Gives Injury Updates on Saddle Bronc Riders Mitch Pollock and Parker Fleet

Two saddle bronc riders from Bracket 3 are keeping an eye on some injuries.

Mitch Pollock is the No. 1 cowboy advancing from this bracket, yet on his way out of the arena he sprained his ankle. Dr. Tandy Freeman says it will need taping when Pollock returns for the Semifinals.

As for Parker Fleet, his initial injury occurred in October at the Texas Circuit Finals.

“He has evidence of torn labral cartilage in that hip. He had some x-rays done today, he’s going to have an MRI the first part of next week. I don’t expect that it’s going to keep him from competing in the Wildcard event next week but it is something that later in the year, he may have to take some time off to have his hip scoped,” Dr. Freeman said.

Fortunately, we can look forward to the return of both Pollock and Fleet in Fort Worth next week.