Tyler Pearson Clinches Title with Top-Speed Performance at the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo

Tyler Pearson clocked a blazing 3.3-second run to domiante the steer wrestling Finals at the National Western

World Champion Steer Wrestler Tyler Pearson secured the title at the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo by delivering the quickest run over 20 performances in Denver, clocking in at 3.3 seconds.

“Oh man, this Short Round, these guys are three and four seconds flat, you’ve got to go be fast, first or last right here,” Pearson said.

Pearson advanced out of Bracket 2 in Denver and capitalized on his position as he locked in a 3.7-second run to claim the No. 1 spot in Semifinals Two.

A total of $7,586 was earned by Pearson at the National Western Stock Show and Rodeo as he now sits No. 8 in the PRCA World Standings.

It is the final performance before the Short Go in Pendelton, Oregon.
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