Rusty Wright wins Sikeston after arriving minutes before the saddle bronc riding

The entire Wright family cut it awfully close in Sikeston. A group of them arrived just minutes before they were supposed to compete in Sikeston, but that didn’t matter to Rusty.

He rode Ricky Bobby for 88 points to claim the saddle bronc riding title.

“We were in a real big hurry but I honestly kind of liked it because I didn’t have time to overthink anything, I just got to throw my saddle on and ride,” Rusty said. “I’ve got to say a big thanks to all of them bareback riders, Kaycee Feild and Jess Pope and Boudreaux Campbell, a bull rider, they were all right there to help us get ready to ride.”



Kaycee Feild confident after winning the bareback riding in Sikeston

Tucker Allen after winning the steer wrestling in Sikeston by one-tenth

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