Jesse Brown Prepares to Defend His Title at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo

2023 steer wrestling champion Jesse Brown talked his strategy on securing a second consecutive win in San Antonio

Jesse Brown, the reigning San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo Steer Wrestling Champion from 2023, shared insights into his upcoming season and defending his title on a recent Western Sports Round-Up appearance.

Brown highlighted the importance of consistency and strategy in securing his victory last year. He emphasized the significance of having a good steer and a clear mind throughout the competition.

Turning in a remarkable time of 3.1 seconds, Brown was just one tenth of a second off of the arena record while riding the 2020 Purina Horse of the Year, Tyson.

Despite facing an injury in Pendleton during the Summer Run, Brown has kept his focus on his goals for the 2024 season, including a World Title and a second consecutive win at the 75th San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo.

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