Josh Frost and Cervi’s Mean Mug Match Up to Take the Lead Once Again

Josh Frost had a rematch in Sikeston with Mean Mug and once again, the Utah bullrider came out victorious. He scored 86 points on the Cervi Championship bull to put him in the No. 1 position going into Performance No. 2.


“He’s a year older and a year bigger. He actually switched directions with me this time, last time he just stayed hooked up around to the right. I was excited when I seen I had him drawn again,” Frost said. ‘

The first time he rode him, Mean Mug didn’t have a name but now, the two have a track record of going to the top just like they did in Sikeston.

The year of 2000 came with lessons on the mental and physical game of rodeo that Luke Branquinho never forgot.
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