Female Athlete of the Week: Shelley Morgan’s Kiss Turned on the Turbos in San Angelo

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National Finals barrel racer Shelley Morgan and her horse, Kiss, are one of the most recognizable duos in professional rodeo and a fan favorite at that.

When the two blew into San Angelo for Round 2 in Performance 8, they shut the clock off at 14.12 seconds to make the fastest run of the entire rodeo. This makes Morgan your Female Athlete of the Week.

Morgan currently sits No. 2 in the Average with 30.27 on two runs, almost guaranteeing them a spot in the Final Round of San Angelo Rodeo even with two rounds of slack and two performances left.

When asked about her phenomenal equine partner, Morgan said that the nine-year-old mare still brings tears to her eyes and continues to surprise her. As for Morgan’s support team, her husband, Rex was there in the alley and full of excitement after Morgan and Kiss took the lead.

Morgan’s impressive run in San Angelo will be hard to beat as she looks on to running for the title.