Brayden Fillmore/Josh Fillmore Win Bracket 3 Team Roping at National Western

The Colorado brothers were 10.4 in Round 1 and 5.8 in Round 2

It was a bit of a shaky start to the team roping in Bracket 3 when Brayden Fillmore/Josh Fillmore won the Go-Round with a 10.4-second run in Round 1.

However, they got better in Round 2, as did the field. With the a 5.8, the young Colorado natives ensured they had a spot in the Semifinals. Their run also has them in line for payday as they sit fifth overall in Round 2.

“That one left a lot sharper, so I needed to kind of follow him out compared (to the steer earlier Saturday),” Brayden said. “Just had to hit the start and set (Josh) up.”

Coy Rahlmann/Billie Jack Saebens and Reno Stoebner/Clay Green will be joining them in the Semifinals from Bracket 3.

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