Billy Good and Thomas Smith Join 40th Cinch Timed Event Championship

Billy Good and Thomas Smith will be competing in place of Taylor Santos and Tyler Waters inside the Lazy E Arena

The Cinch Timed Event Championships are quickly approaching and Billy Good and Thomas Smith step in as last-minute replacements for Taylor Santos and Tyler Waters.

Despite the tight timeline, Good is excited for the opportunity and is looking forward to a big weekend as his wife’s due date is set for the Sunday of the event.

Smith, drawing from past experience, is ready to tackle the challenges of the 40th annual event in Guthrie, Oklahoma.

The kick off of Bracket 4 in San Antonio brings the best of the best.
Bull rider Jess Lockwood is hitting the rodeo road for the regular season in the PRCA.
Katelyn Scott has returned to the Winter Run with a bang.
California cowgirl Rylee George is cashing in at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo.
Team Ropers Clay Smith and Coleby Payne cash in on all three go-rounds.
Mason Clements cinches another Texas Swing Go-Round win.
Team ropers Tanner Tomlinson and Travis Graves picked up a win in the Texas Swing.
Steer wrestler Jesse Brown is your Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo Champion.
Nick Pelke cinched his first Texas Swing Championship at Dickies Arena.